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rubber shoes

Rubber shoes are a type of footwear that have a sole made from rubber. They are often used for work boots and outdoor shoes, as they provide good traction on slippery surfaces. They are also known for their durability, which makes them a good choice for people who spend a lot of time on their feet. These shoes are typically made from natural or synthetic rubber, although some are made with leather soles. The difference between these shoes is that leather soles are generally considered to be more durable than rubber, and they also tend to have a smoother feel to them.

The earliest shoes were made of animal skins and were tied to the wearer’s foot with laces or other forms of fastening. These early shoes provided protection from harsh elements and sharp objects that could injure the feet, but they were not particularly comfortable to wear for long periods of time because they were stiff and lacked any traction. In 1839, Charles Goodyear invented a process for vulcanizing rubber, which made it possible to create shoes that were both flexible and durable. This made it much easier to walk for extended periods of time, and the first rubber-soled shoes became popular.

A major advantage of rubber is that it is often very flexible right out of the box, which means that there is less of a break-in period than with other types of shoe materials. Additionally, the flexible nature of rubber means that it can absorb some of the shock that is normally felt when walking on hard floors or other rough surfaces.

Another reason that people choose to wear rubber shoes is that they are often more affordable than other types of shoe materials. This is because the manufacturing process for rubber is relatively cheap, which helps to keep the price of the shoes down. Leather, on the other hand, is a more expensive material that can sometimes be more difficult to work with.

Rubber is also known for its non-marking properties, which means that it will not leave marks on tiled or traditional wood floors. This is a great benefit if you are wearing the shoes at work or for an event where there will be a lot of foot traffic. You can test if your rubber soled shoes are non-marking by pressing the bottom of them with your thumbnail. If the mark disappears quickly, they are non-marking.

Rubber soled shoes are also usually very lightweight, which makes them ideal for many sports and recreational activities. They can be a little heavier than leather soled shoes, but they are still light enough for recreational use. In addition, the bouncy quality of rubber soles can help to improve athletic performance and increase agility for players. To maintain the elasticity of your rubber shoes, it is important to wash them regularly using a cleaner that is designed specifically for this purpose. This will usually come in the form of an aerosol spray, and it will say something like “rubber sole cleaner” on the label.