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Flip flops are the most popular summer shoes. They offer a relaxed and simple vibe and look great with shorts, jeans or a swimsuit. However, they come with some drawbacks like blisters, aching feet, and more. If you wear them a lot, it’s important to find ones that fit well and provide adequate support. This will help avoid the common issues and keep you comfortable all day long.

The most obvious problem with flip flops is their lack of arch support. This causes the muscles in your feet to work harder when you walk, which can lead to pain. The lack of cushioning also adds to the pain. The flimsy soles can rub on the skin and cause blisters. The slick bottoms can be slippery too, leading to falls. In addition, the straps can chafe your feet.

In terms of style, flip flops come in many different colors, designs and have funky details like rhinestones or beads. They can even have corporate logos on them. They are often very flashy and have a lot of eye appeal which makes them fashionable. They are usually very cheap as well which makes them the go-to shoe for people on a budget.

One of the main reasons people love to wear them is because they are easy to take care of. They can be rinsed off with water, and they are usually made of material that can be thrown in the washing machine. This is a big benefit for those who are constantly on the go and don’t have time to wash their shoes every night.

It’s a good idea to limit the amount of time you spend in flip flops, especially if you have flat feet. They can put a lot of stress on the heels and lead to plantar fasciitis, which is a painful condition that affects the heel and ball of the foot. They can also increase the chances of stubbed toes and other injuries.

Another way that flip flops can be harmful is by altering your posture when you walk. When you wear them, your feet shift to compensate for the flatness of the shoe and it can change the alignment of your legs and back (via Ortho Bethesda).

While flip flops are simple and inexpensive, they can cause many problems with your feet and body. The best thing is to try to limit your use of them and when you do, make sure to choose a pair that are cushioned, supportive, and have an arch support. Also, try to find a pair that is made of fabric instead of rubber, which can chafe your feet. Lastly, buy a size that’s big enough to accommodate your foot and allow for plenty of room for your toes. By following these tips, you can enjoy the summer in your favorite flip flops without causing any foot or body problems! So kick off your flip flops and have a happy summer!